I use code of Klaus for my table function:
I cannot get it work for 2 columns.
I added myself:
I can set, but still getting:
Can someone help to get it work with only 2 columns?
Kind regards,
I use code of Klaus for my table function:
'xTableMini CustomView
'This is a mini version of the xTablelite customview which is the lite version of the xTable customview
'Version 0.98 2022.12.18
' these Event lines are useful for a library compilation for the IDE autocompletion
#Event: Touch(X As Int, Y As Int)
' these RaisesSynchronousEvents lines are useful for a library compilation
#RaisesSynchronousEvents: Touch(X As Int, Y As Int)
#DesignerProperty: Key: NumberOfColumns, DisplayName: Number of columns, FieldType: Int, DefaultValue: 3, Description: Number of columns.
#DesignerProperty: Key: RowHeight, DisplayName: Row height, FieldType: Int, DefaultValue: 40, Description: Row height.
#DesignerProperty: Key: LineWidth, DisplayName: LineWidth, FieldType: Int, DefaultValue: 1, MinRange: 1, MaxRange: 10, Description: Line width in dips.
#DesignerProperty: Key: TextSize, DisplayName: Text size, FieldType: Int, DefaultValue: 14, Description: Text size.
#DesignerProperty: Key: TextAlignmentH, DisplayName: TextAlignmentH, FieldType: String, DefaultValue: CENTER, List: LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT, Description: Set the horizontal text horizontal alignment.
#DesignerProperty: Key: TextAlignmentV, DisplayName: TextAlignmentV, FieldType: String, DefaultValue: CENTER, List: TOP|CENTER|BOTTOM, Description: Set the vertical text alignment.
#DesignerProperty: Key: HeaderColor, DisplayName: Header color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFF808080, Description: Header background color.
#DesignerProperty: Key: HeaderTextColor, DisplayName: Header text color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFFFFFFFF, Description: Table background color.
#DesignerProperty: Key: TableColor, DisplayName: Table color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFFD3D3D3, Description: Table background color.
#DesignerProperty: Key: CellTextColor, DisplayName: Cell text color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFF000000, Description: Table background color.
#DesignerProperty: Key: Row1Color, DisplayName: Row 1 color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFFFFFFFF, Description: Row1 background color.
#DesignerProperty: Key: Row2Color, DisplayName: Row 2 color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFF98F5FF, Description: Row2 background color.
Sub Class_Globals
Private mEventName As String 'ignore
Private mCallBack As Object 'ignore
Public mBase As B4XView
Private xui As XUI 'ignore
Public Tag As Object
Public HeaderNames As List
Public Data As List
Private mNumberOfColumns, ColumnWidths() As Int
Public RowHeight, HeaderColor, TableColor, TextColor, HeaderTextColor As Int
Public TextSize As Float
Private mAlignmentH As String
Private mAlignmentV As String
Private mAlignmentsH() As String
Private mAlignmentsV() As String
Private mFont As B4XFont
Public LineWidth = Max(1, 1dip) As Int
Public RowColor1, RowColor2 As Int
Private pnlTable As B4XView
Private ChrPad = " " As String
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String)
mEventName = EventName
mCallBack = Callback
End Sub
'Base type must be Object
Public Sub DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map)
mBase = Base
Tag = mBase.Tag
mBase.Tag = Me
mBase.Color = xui.Color_White
'sets the text alignment property
mAlignmentH = Props.GetDefault("TextAlignmentH", "CENTER")
mAlignmentV = Props.GetDefault("TextAlignmentV", "CENTER")
#If B4A
LineWidth = DipToCurrent(Props.GetDefault("LineWidth", 1))
mLineWidth =Props.GetDefault("LineWidth", 1)
#End If
mNumberOfColumns = Props.GetDefault("NumberOfColumns", 3)
HeaderColor = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("HeaderColor"))
TableColor = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("TableColor"))
HeaderTextColor = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("HeaderTextColor"))
TextColor = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("CellTextColor"))
RowColor1 = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("Row1Color"))
RowColor2 = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("Row2Color"))
TextSize = Props.Get("TextSize")
RowHeight = DipToCurrent(Props.GetDefault("RowHeight", 40dip))
End Sub
Private Sub Base_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
End Sub
Private Sub InitTable
pnlTable = xui.CreatePanel("pnlTable")
pnlTable.Color = TableColor
mFont = xui.CreateDefaultFont(TextSize)
mBase.AddView(pnlTable, 0, 0, mBase.Width, mBase.Height)
Dim ColumnWidths(mNumberOfColumns) As Int
Private mAlignmentsV(mNumberOfColumns) As String
Private mAlignmentsH(mNumberOfColumns) As String
For i = 0 To mNumberOfColumns - 1
ColumnWidths(i) = mBase.Width / mNumberOfColumns
mAlignmentsV(i) = mAlignmentV
mAlignmentsH(i) = mAlignmentH
SetHeader(Array As String("", "", ""))
End Sub
'Clears the table
'Removes all Data and Labels
Public Sub Clear
End Sub
'Adds a row to the table
'Example:<code>Table1.AddRow(Array As String("aaa", "ccc", "ddd", "eee"))</code>
Public Sub AddRow(Values() As String)
If Values.Length <> mNumberOfColumns Then
Log("Wrong number of values =" & Values.Length & " col=" & mNumberOfColumns)
End If
Dim Row As Int
Row = Data.Size
Private lbls(mNumberOfColumns) As Label
Private xlbls(mNumberOfColumns) As B4XView
For i = 0 To mNumberOfColumns - 1
pnlTable.AddView(lbls(i), pnlTable.GetView(i).Left, Row * RowHeight, pnlTable.GetView(i).Width, RowHeight - LineWidth)
Private rc(2) As Int
rc(0) = Row
rc(1) = i
xlbls(i) = lbls(i)
xlbls(i).Tag = rc
Private rowColor As Int
Private txtColor As Int
If Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
rowColor = RowColor1
txtColor = TextColor
rowColor = RowColor2
txtColor = TextColor
End If
xlbls(i).Color = rowColor
xlbls(i).TextColor = txtColor
xlbls(i).TextSize = TextSize
xlbls(i).SetTextAlignment(mAlignmentsV(i), mAlignmentsH(i))
xlbls(i).Text = ChrPad & Values(i) & ChrPad
mBase.Height = (Data.Size + 1) * RowHeight
pnlTable.Height = mBase.Height
End Sub
'Set the headers values
'Example:<code>Table1.SetHeader(Array As String("Col1", "Col2", "Col3"))</code>
Public Sub SetHeader(Values() As String)
Private col As Int
pnlTable.RemoveAllViews 'KC
Private Left = LineWidth As Int
Private w As Int
For col = 0 To mNumberOfColumns - 1
Private lb As Label
Private lbl As B4XView
lbl = lb
lbl.SetTextAlignment(mAlignmentsV(col), mAlignmentsH(col))
lbl.Font = mFont
lbl.TextSize = TextSize
lbl.Color = HeaderColor
lbl.TextColor = HeaderTextColor
lbl.Text = ChrPad & Values(col) & ChrPad
lbl.Tag = col
w = Max(LineWidth, ColumnWidths(col) - LineWidth)
pnlTable.AddView(lbl, Left, 0, w, RowHeight)
Left = Left + ColumnWidths(col)
End Sub
'Sets the columns widths.
'Example: <code>Table1.SetColumnsWidths(Array As Int(100dip, 30dip, 30dip, 100%x - 160dip))</code>
Public Sub SetColumnsWidths(Widths() As Int)
Dim col, row As Int
Dim ColumnWidths(Widths.Length) As Int
For col = 0 To Widths.Length - 1
ColumnWidths(col) = Widths(col)
Private v As B4XView
Private w As Int
Private Left As Int
Left = LineWidth
For col = 0 To Widths.Length - 1
v = pnlTable.GetView(col)
w = Max(2dip, Widths(col) - LineWidth)
v.Width = w
v.Left = Left
If w > 2dip Then
Left = Left + w + LineWidth
End If
Dim lbls() As B4XView
For row = 0 To Data.Size -1
lbls = GetLabels(row)
For col = 0 To lbls.Length - 1
lbls(col).SetLayoutAnimated(0, pnlTable.GetView(col).Left, lbls(col).Top, pnlTable.GetView(col).Width, RowHeight - LineWidth)
End Sub
'Sets the alignments for the Headers and the Cells
'These must be String Arrays.
'Vertical authorized values are: Top, CENTER, BOTTOM
'Horizontal authorized values are: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT
Public Sub SetAlignments(Vertical() As String, Horizontal() As String)
mAlignmentsV = Vertical
mAlignmentsH = Horizontal
End Sub
Public Sub GetColumnWidths As Int()
Return ColumnWidths
End Sub
'Loads data from a SQLite database
'SQLite = SQL object
'Query = SQLite query
'SQLite limits REAL numbers converted to Strings like Floats (7 digits) not Doubles
'even 1000000.5 returns 1000000
Public Sub LoadSQLiteDB(SQLite As SQL, Query As String)
Private col As Int
Private RSet As ResultSet
RSet = SQLite.ExecQuery(Query)
If pnlTable.NumberOfViews > 0 Then
End If
Private Headers(mNumberOfColumns) As String
For col = 0 To mNumberOfColumns - 1
Headers(col) = RSet.GetColumnName(col)
RSet = SQLite.ExecQuery(Query)
Do While RSet.NextRow
Dim R(mNumberOfColumns), str As String
For col = 0 To mNumberOfColumns - 1
str = RSet.GetString2(col)
If str <> Null Then
R(col) = str
R(col) = ""
End If
#If B4J
' Sleep(0) ' needed to display all entries when the Table is added by code.
#End If
End Sub
'Gets the Labels of the given row as B4XViews
Public Sub GetLabels(Row As Int) As B4XView()
Private lbls(mNumberOfColumns) As B4XView
Private i0 As Int
i0 = (Row + 1) * mNumberOfColumns
For col = 0 To mNumberOfColumns - 1
lbls(col) = pnlTable.GetView(i0 + col)
Return lbls
End Sub
'Removes the xTableMicro from its parent view
Public Sub RemoveView
End Sub
'Gets the number of columns
Public Sub getNumberOfColumns As Int
Return mNumberOfColumns
End Sub
'Sets the number of columns
Public Sub setNumberOfColumns(Number As Int)
End Sub
'Gets the number of rowsolumns, read only
Public Sub getNumberOfRows As Int
Return Data.Size
End Sub
'Gets or sets the width of the xTableMicro of the given cell.
Public Sub getWidth As Int
Return mBase.Width
End Sub
Public Sub setWidth(Width As Int)
mBase.Width = Width
pnlTable.Width = Width
End Sub
'Gets or sets the height of the xTableMicro of the given cell.
Public Sub getHeight As Int
Return mBase.Width
End Sub
Public Sub setHeight(Height As Int)
mBase.Height = Height
pnlTable.Height = Height
End Sub
'Gets the value of the given cell.
Public Sub GetValue(Col As Int, Row As Int) As String
Dim values() As String
values = Data.Get(Row)
Return values(Col)
End Sub
'Returns an array of strings with all the values for a row.
Public Sub GetValues(Row As Int ) As String()
Dim rowData() As String = Data.get(Row) ' will throw an excpetion if row is not correct
Dim tmp(mNumberOfColumns) As String
For i=0 To mNumberOfColumns-1 ' copy the array
tmp(i) = rowData(i)
Return tmp
End Sub
Private Sub pnlTable_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Private iX, iY As Int
iX = X
iY = Y
Select Action
If xui.SubExists(mCallBack, mEventName & "_Touch", 2) Then
CallSub3(mCallBack, mEventName & "_Touch", iX, iY)
End If
End Select
End Sub
'Sets the xTableMicro visible
Public Sub setVisible(TrueFalse As Boolean)
End Sub
'Gets the xTableMicro visible
Public Sub getVisible As Boolean
Return mBase.Visible
End Sub
I cannot get it work for 2 columns.
I added myself:
'Sets the number of columns
Public Sub setNumberOfColumns(Number As Int)
End Sub
I can set, but still getting:
xtablemicro_loadsqlitedb (java line: 482)
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=2; index=2
Can someone help to get it work with only 2 columns?
Kind regards,