Android Question Can't create folders anymore on my mobile


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Long time ago I created an app that I'd like to upgrade.

But I'm already blocked at the 1st stage, I can't create the subfolders on the mobile (ideally in "/storage/emulated/0"

Here is the code I had in Starter:
Sub Process_Globals
    ' Repertoire de stockage des données
    Public EmplacementStockageSurDevice As String : EmplacementStockageSurDevice = File.DirRootExternal 'EmplacementStockageSurDevice : /storage/emulated/0
    Public RepertoireRacine As String : RepertoireRacine = "/Toto App"
    Public NomApplication As String : NomApplication = "/First App"
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
    ' ______________Création des Répertoires nécessaires sur le Device et copie des fichiers langues et du fichier ini_____________________________
    ' ==========================>>>
    ' Création des répertoires pour stocker la base de données, les photos et les fichiers langues si nécesaire
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Pictures", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Pictures")
    End If
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Data Base", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Data Base")
    End If
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Language support files", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Language support files")
    End If
    ' Création du répertoires pour stocker les photos encryptées si nécesaire
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp/Pictures/Zip", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp" & "/Pictures" & "/Zip")
    End If
    ' Création du répertoires pour stocker la base de données encryptées si nécesaire
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp/Data Base/Zip", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp" & "/Data Base" & "/Zip")
    End If
    ' Création du répertoires pour stocker les pdf
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/PDFs", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/PDFs")
    End If

End Sub

I spend really long time on the "B4X Getting Started" & "B4X Basic Language" (chap guides and on the forum (e.g., but despite lot of trials, didn't solve it.

I also tried to create them on "File.DirDefaultExternal" (which could be an option for me, but less valuable), but was also unsuccessful.

Would someone be able to help me on this?




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Longtime User
Have you tried this post (just the last post):

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Long time ago I created an app that I'd like to upgrade.

But I'm already blocked at the 1st stage, I can't create the subfolders on the mobile (ideally in "/storage/emulated/0"

Here is the code I had in Starter:
Sub Process_Globals
    ' Repertoire de stockage des données
    Public EmplacementStockageSurDevice As String : EmplacementStockageSurDevice = File.DirRootExternal 'EmplacementStockageSurDevice : /storage/emulated/0
    Public RepertoireRacine As String : RepertoireRacine = "/Toto App"
    Public NomApplication As String : NomApplication = "/First App"
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
    ' ______________Création des Répertoires nécessaires sur le Device et copie des fichiers langues et du fichier ini_____________________________
    ' ==========================>>>
    ' Création des répertoires pour stocker la base de données, les photos et les fichiers langues si nécesaire
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Pictures", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Pictures")
    End If
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Data Base", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Data Base")
    End If
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Language support files", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/Language support files")
    End If
    ' Création du répertoires pour stocker les photos encryptées si nécesaire
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp/Pictures/Zip", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp" & "/Pictures" & "/Zip")
    End If
    ' Création du répertoires pour stocker la base de données encryptées si nécesaire
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp/Data Base/Zip", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/tmp" & "/Data Base" & "/Zip")
    End If
    ' Création du répertoires pour stocker les pdf
    If File.Exists(EmplacementStockageSurDevice & RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/PDFs", "") = False Then
        File.MakeDir(EmplacementStockageSurDevice, RepertoireRacine & NomApplication & "/PDFs")
    End If

End Sub

I spend really long time on the "B4X Getting Started" & "B4X Basic Language" (chap guides and on the forum (e.g., but despite lot of trials, didn't solve it.

I also tried to create them on "File.DirDefaultExternal" (which could be an option for me, but less valuable), but was also unsuccessful.

Would someone be able to help me on this?


add this line to manifest editor
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" android:targetSdkVersion="28"/>

before write chechk for permissions :
' --- Permiso Write external storage
Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, R As Boolean)
If R=False Then
ToastMessageShow("Sin permiso R/W",True)
End If

This work on Android 11 and B4A 11
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Longtime User

Still not solved.

With the Manifest Editor, I replaced line 5 from "<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="29"/>" to "<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" android:targetSdkVersion="28"/>"

In starter, I added:
Sub Service_Create
    'This is the program entry point.
    'This is a good place to load resources that are not specific to a single activity.
    ' --- Permiso Write external storage
    Dim rp As RuntimePermissions
    Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, R As Boolean)
    If R=False Then
        ToastMessageShow("Sin permiso R/W",True)
    End If

End Sub

And here is the error message I got:

Error Message.png

NB: My mobile has no external SD-Card (I would like to create folders on "/storage/emulated/0" and is running under Android 9 PKQ1.180904.001
NB2: I attach the demo project I created to test folder creation



  • 03 Folder
    245.6 KB · Views: 140
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hopefully solved.

Thank you very much for your support

Methodology in case someone face the same challenge:
  1. Open Manifest Editor
  2. Replace ligne <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="X" android:targetSdkVersion="XX"/> by <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" android:targetSdkVersion="28"/>
  3. Not in Starter => e.g. in "Main":
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub FolderCreation
    Dim rp As RuntimePermissions
    Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    If Result Then
        File.MakeDir(File.DirRootExternal,"Fabdd/772")': /storage/emulated/0
        MsgboxAsync("Folder created", "Hopefuly")
        MsgboxAsync("Impossible to create folders", "Error")
    End If
End Sub


Last edited:
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Longtime User
You can not upload this app to google Playstore using targetsdk = 28. Is this intentional/expected?
Hi DonManfred,
No it's not intentional.
For now I upgrade my app only for me, but would be happy to share it on the PlayStore if I can finalize it.
Should I proceed differently?


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Should I proceed differently?
Sure. TargetSDK must be 30.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
If you target SDK 30 it will limit your access to the file system. See the section for SDK29 and higher in the DonManfred link above.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Dear Both,
Thank you very much looking at my issue.
In the Manifest Editor, I changed the targetSdkVersion to 30.
I still can create folders in File.DirRootExternal

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub FolderCreation
    Dim rp As RuntimePermissions
    Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    If Result Then
        File.MakeDir(File.DirRootExternal,"Fabnnn/rrr")': /storage/emulated/0
        MsgboxAsync("Folder created", "Hopefuly")
        MsgboxAsync("Impossible to create folders", "Error")
    End If
End Sub

However, I can't copy here files from File.DirAssets

Sub copiefichier
    Private lstFiles As List
    lstFiles = File.ListFiles(File.DirAssets)

For i = 0 To lstFiles.Size - 1
    Dim FileName As String
    FileName = lstFiles.Get(i)
    If FileName = "Test.txt" Then
        File.Copy(File.DirAssets, FileName, File.DirRootExternal &"Fabnnn/rrr", FileName)
    End If

End Sub

Looking at your link (and further ones) did I understand correctly that the only way is t have the user to select the folder?

Would it be simpler if instead File.DirRootExternal, I would use File.DirDefaultExternal to store the files I need in my app?

File.DirInternal is not an option, because I need simple access to the storage folder when connect to my computer (with Windows file explorer).

To be very clear on what I try to do:
  • My app must copy some files from File.DirAssets to "easily accessible" folders on my mobile.
  • Then the user (through the app) will do changes on those files (database). NB: The user will also generate new files (pictures; pdf) in those folders

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