I have followed the tutorial , added my device id to test devices and set the geo as eu . The form is never displayed , ads shown instantly. I have changed to customer providers 1 hour ago that can be the problem ? or I use genymotion emulator , maybe that is the problem ?
it is more than 12 hours now ,
It is interesting . code says :
If consent.ConsentState = consent.STATE_UNKNOWN And consent.IsRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown Then
'Set last parameter to False if you don't want to show the "pay for ad-free" option.
'Change privacy policy URL.
consent.ShowConsentForm("https://www.mysite.com/privacy.html", True, True, False)
in the logs i see
Consent state: UNKNOWN
EU: true
according to this code I have to see a consentform but i am not seeing it. I have added my device as test device I can see the " request sent rom a test device " message too..
1)yes providers are set to 8.
2) I am checking the unfiltered logs. I am adding the device id as test id , when tried with that , device id is no more displayed but a message " this request is made by test device "
I am using an emulator maybe it is a problem. I will check with a real device.