Yes, thank you. I had forgotten about it but I just found them
Sorry for the bandwidth.
In general, it is occasionally frustrating to find which library is required for a particular function. I wish there were a way to improve that.
When I write a new app, I include the name of the library file(s) that may be required, but if the library name(s) change, I sometimes fail to update the notes, and this happens
This is an example (updated) for that app:
Public TCPSck1 As Socket ' requires Network library
Public ServerSocket1 As ServerSocket ' requires Network library
Public UDPSck1 As UDPSocket ' requires Network library
Public AStreams As AsyncStreams ' requires RandomAccessFile library
Dim sf As StringFunctions ' requires StringFunctions library
Dim ph As Phone ' requires Phone library
Public Serial1 As Serial ' requires Serial library
Public job1 As HttpJob ' requires OkHttpUtils2 and OkHttp libraries
Public csu As CallSubUtils ' requires CallSubUtils.bas library