iOS Question Can't get B4i-Bridge to connect with IDE


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I'm starting my iPhone app development journey and have successfully worked through the Tutorials to the point where I can build the B4i bridge and compile an example app, and both can be successfully sent to the host server and then the apps downloaded. Both icons are on my iPhone as they should be.

However, I can't get the B4i Bridge and the IDE to connect. It says the IP address should be, and that's what I've set Tools > IP Address to. I see other posts here addressing "Waiting to connect ... " but none have helped. Any ideas?

I'm using B4i 4.40 and the Build Server Settings are on 64-bit.


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Probably a network issue. Are you also using B4A? Can you connect to B4A-Bridge?

This morning, problem somehow gone and connects normally! Maybe because of a laptop reboot, who knows. But yes, I use B4A, same network, never any problems with B4A Bridge. Sorry to waste your time Erel. It's like going to the doctor with no symptoms to show.
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