iOS Question Can't personalyze UsageDescription for GPS [solved]


Licensed User
Hi all,
I have the Location services activated in my App. I added to the Projects Attributes the following two lines:
    #PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>Used to display the current navigation data.</string>
    #PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationUsageDescription</key><string>Used to display the current navigation data.</string>
The App compiles and runs fine.
After that, I decided to modify the description included in the tags <string></string> as in the following example:
    #PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>Per calcolo alba e tramonto::To compute sunrise & sunset</string>
   #PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationUsageDescription</key><string>Per calcolo alba e tramonto::To compute sunrise & sunset</string>
and received a compilation error like this:
Any help will be welcome, thanks.


Licensed User
Oops, I found the reason for the error. It's the character "&" embedded in the string. Replacing it with "and" solves the problem.
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