Android Question Capitalize all words


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From an earlier Erel reply I learned how to capitalize the first letter in an editText field with Bit.Or...

Is there a trick to do this for every word, eg. Firstname Lestname? Ideally (optional) only if a word has more then 3 letters, e.g. Ludwig van Beethoven?

I know how to do this postpartem, but not while typing. Tried txt.InputType =txt. Input.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS but this does not work, unfortunately.

Can you help? Thanks a lot, john m.


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Just remember, if you are primarily working with names of people, or wider all Proper Nouns, you will need to deal with quite a few exceptions, not just a 3 letters or more check.
For examples: O'Grotes ; McDonald; MacLysaght. - just a few in the English language. Heaven knows how many internationally.
Another example, the (chinese?) surname "Ng" would fail your 3 letters length.
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Can you help?
The only way this will have a chance to work is if you're doing it in a very narrow scope. (Actually, such a narrow scope that I can't even come up with an example.)

In all other cases you're most likely creating a situation with bad user experience. I would recommend not doing it. Just let people case their names as they like, and move on to other challenges.
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Thank you all for your input. I realize this is too complex, so I'll follow Sandman's advise and just capitalize the very first letter.
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Jeffrey Cameron

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The value I've used in the past for cap words is "0x00002000", try setting your input type to that value and see if it works on your device.
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Thank Jeffrey. The value works indeed to capitalize every word, but as MikeSW17 and Sandman have pointed out, it does not resolve the name prefix. This is now a minor problem: Ludwig van Beethoven simply has to press the shift key when entering the v and Mike O'Cool when entering the C (will explain to users under "help").
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