Share My Creation Cars Memory

I decided to try a few memory type games.

This one has a theme of cars. I want to do a theme of animals, foods, letters, and what not. The possibilities are limitless.
It won't be that difficult just change the images and a few sound effects really.
However before I do that, to make this app stand out from the thousands of other memory games, I think it should include four of five different types of memory games.

I could only think of two, classic memory and a 'find the image' game.

I wonder if anyone out there has other ideas for memory games geared towards 3 - 6 year olds. After doing a little searching on the web and Google Play I still cannot find anything that I feel falls into this category.

Anyway, let me know what you think:


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You could split the picture up into 'x' ammount of blocks and have them re-assemble the Car (a little like a jigsaw). obviously less blocks for younger people.

i will try and think of some other mini-games


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I just thought of another one, not really a memory game though, you could have say 3 cars racing, the players car will move forward (speed up) if they get something correct, say they write a letter correctly or a word (if they are old enough), the quicker they can complete the task the faster the car moves and hopefully wins the race.


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Thanks. Great ideas. I actually have a jigsaw in my Animal World app:

Animal World

which also includes a slider puzzle. I didn't think about putting the puzzle in this app. Hmmm...


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The other way of doing a kind of jigsaw would be to have the parts of the vehicle and they put them together to make the car/truck(lorry) or van so it could be split up into wheels doors wings (fenders) roof going down to smaller items as the kids ages are increasing to things like door handles and hub caps, once the vehicle has been put together correctly it could animate (something amusing for kids).

just some ideas :)


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That's a realy good idea although I think beyond the scope of this particular app.

The code I am thinking would be rather strait forward however the graphics would take a long time (for me anyways). Each car image would have to be broken up into its individual elements (wheels, doors, roof...). Interesting.

I am not really satisfied with the puzzle game in my Animal World app. It's plain and all squares which is pretty boring. I've been thinking of the code required to break any given image into random shapes so the user would never get the same puzzle every time even with the same image. Oh well, something for later...


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I was thinking of comparing a predetermined overlay:

Write an algorithm to compare each piece and place it over the original image. The algorith would have to check each pixel for tranparencey. All transapent pixles inside the temnplate piece means that we would take the corresponding pixel from the image and put it in the piece. Each piece assigned a grid index. This way I can use different tamplates to create different puzzles for the same image.
There's still much more that I havn't considerd yet. But I think this is a starting point. Of cource this is only for a "random" puzzle.
You could simply take an image and use a paint program to break it up into individual pieces youreself and create a sprite sheet.

By the way you could take a look at my Animal World App. It has a calssic puzzle (with square pieces) and a slider puzzle.


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