Wish Catch Try Insert around existing code, instead of at top/insert point


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Just a small idea, but, I don't think I am the only one, but I have a habit of adding my error handlers after the majority of code is written.

Currently when I go to insert a try, B4A automatically inserts the whole
end try
Block, right under where I have entered the "try" statement and press return, and hence I have to move the catch-end try to the bottom, and then tab/format the code in the sub manually

It would be handy if I was to enter "try" at the start of a sub and press enter, it would add the catch-"end try" at the bottom of the same sub, and indent all the code in the sub to be one tab indented as compared to the try-catch-"end try"

But, maybe its just me...


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I just finished adding a bulk of error handling to a current app, so the job is done on that one. I'll give this a go on my next attempt.

Just tabbed and tested in B4A, and there is still the extra step of selecting the code and indenting it. It is a slight improvement, but still I think would be better if it did all the steps automatically. I guess the question is why would you not want it to do it all?

Your gif doesn't show that I had to manually select the original code and indent it?

BTW, I don't recommend overusing Try / Catch. It will lead to hard to discover bugs.
That's a personal preference and method. ie Ask 1000 programmers the same question you will receive 1000 valid answers. I personally find the way I use it makes finding the source of bugs/errors down to a pinpoint very handy; with stack traces back to the original source throw location. It is to some extent a personal preference and mode of operation.

On a side...
Once you get used to moving lines with Alt + Up / Down
Whoa, I use a two screen setup and just found a new hot-key (ctrl-alt-up/down) combination for turning one of the screens upside down! making it hard to get back to normal.


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The gif was not edited
The key press didn't come through in the gif

Click on Alt + F to indent the sub. Do it when nothing is selected. It will then indent the complete sub.
Although it is better (no knowing the hot-key), I still see it as a "wish", and the only reason against including the feature I can think of, is that the one sub may have multiple catch try block in it ie defaulting to wrapping the whole may be overkill. Apart from time-cost-priority, is there a specific reason someone would not want the steps you perform above, to be automatically done every time?


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Apart from time-cost-priority, is there a specific reason someone would not want the steps you perform above, to be automatically done every time?
1. time-cost-priority is of course very important.
2. I don't think that adding Try / Catch blocks to complete subs is a good practice. I think that it is a mistake.
3. It is already very simple to add Try / Catch blocks to complete subs.


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I think the total lack of interest shows that it is obviously only me, and basically answers all the questions. Thanks for the consideration and time.
Although a cry emoji would be good in the forum

Peter Simpson

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I don't think that adding Try / Catch blocks to complete subs is a good practice. I think that it is a mistake.

It's a terrible practice. I only ever use Try Catch if there is actually an issue @JohnK, and then only temporarily until I fix the issue at hand. It's extremely rare for me to leave Try Catch in my app not unless I really have to and I have absolutely no other choice but to do so.


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It's sort of like "On Error Resume Next"

Great if you like surprise endings!


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It's sort of like "On Error Resume Next"

Great if you like surprise endings!
Its the complete opposite of a resume next when used appropriately. Historically, some older prog languages were based purely on "resume next" style error handling. and to be clear, try-catch-throw is not a resume next when coded with thought.
Its all coding style, "terrible practice" is a personal opinion based on how you have seen it used. The tool is there and if used appropriately its a very very powerful tool. I too have seen it used poorly.


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Actually realised after I walked away from keyboard, the big disconnect is the THROW part of a try-catch-throw
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