CCD Camera Library


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Thanks Dimitris this dll is pretty good and works well for me.

The only problem I have is the default filename is ignored. File is saved as "image190"

Mybad, It works fine I just didn't understand (Didint read the instructions again doh)
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Awesome library!

Would there be a way to bypass the filename dialog in a future version? I am blind and am interested in using this to turn my phone into a color identifier/light sensor.

Best regards,


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Is this a bug or do I not understand.

My Code
img = ccd.GetImage2(640, 480, 0, "Main.Form1", "Camera", main.wikiDir, "CameraImg")
I thought the last parameter was the image name. However all my photo's come back with the name "Image_001.jpg" The number does increment though.


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GetImage only has five parameters but appear to think that there are seven! The IDE will ignore your extra parameters but if you optimise compile it you will get an error

And yet the example in the zip from post #6 (i think) has the following code with seven parameters
Sub Globals
    'Declare the global variables here.

End Sub

Sub App_Start
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
    Dim img
    'img = ccd.GetImage(640, 480, 0, "Form1", "Camera")
    img = ccd.GetImage2(640, 480, 0, "Form1", "Camera", "\My Documents", "TestImage")
    If img <> "" Then form1.Image = img
End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
    'Msgbox(ccd.GetVideo(640, 480, 65535, "Form1", "Camera"))
    Msgbox(ccd.GetVideo2(640, 480, 65535, "Form1", "Camera", "\My Documents", "TestVideo"))
End Sub


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:signOops::sign0013:You're right, I overlooked the significance of GetImage2 . I looked at dzCameraCapture in my local archive which I had obviously failed to update with the later version (I have now ).

I have looked in the library with Reflector and there is nothing wrong there. Unlike most other dialogs, which are part of Windows Mobile, the CameraCapture dialog is written by the manufacturer of the device to suit the hardware, although it must conform to a Microsoft specification so that all CameraDialogs look the same to the OS. In your case it looks like a bug in the dialog is ignoring the filename given to it and is always using its own default so your only recourse seems to be to rename the files after capture to the names you want.


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Your lib is working fine but the problem is on some devices i dont know
the resolution (width x height) , because it says 1m, 2m and so on.

Is there a way to use the default resolution of the camera.


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How can i let check my code for a camera before i call the camera dialog...?
My App is running on desktop and different device version with and without built-in cameras.I would like to avoid throwing an exception to the user if there's no camera available....




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Sure, that's possible, but i would like to avoid triggering and catching an exception, especially because i do not know what kind of exceptions are generated if there's no camera.




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Is it that important to know what exception is being called?
Either you can or you cannot use the camera!!
That's what important to you, right?
So if there is NO camera, or the camera is not compliant, you cannot use it...That should be enought info, for your app...
Why make it more complex, trying to know exactly why, if it is only important to know if it can!
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An exception is a critical situation in a program rather than a normal error handling.Certainly, you could build up a program not taking care of errors and do the handling just by throwing and catching exceptions.I personally don't like that and furthermore do not think that this is a good rule for programming.

On the other side, i do not own a device with an internal camera, thus i cannot check safely if the exception is caused by the missing camera support or by an error in the code.The message i get is just not as clear enough to point to a missing internal camera.




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Generaly if it works on a device so the code is ok so the only error who can be shown is "No camera found"...


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Is anyone aware of a way to hide the titlebar when using this library ? I'm making a kiosked application and it'd be desireable not to allow them to break out of it when they use the camera...

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