iOS Question Center aligning custom labels with significant trailing blanks - non-breaking blanks?


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I need to center align a custom label that has trailing blank(s), the trailing blank(s) being significant.

Googling, it would appear that I should substitute blanks for non-breaking blanks.

I believe a non-breaking blank is Chr(160).

Substituting blanks for Chr(160) has no effect - trailing blanks still ignored.

Any suggestions appreciated...


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Erel, I should have been a bit more explicit - I'm after a button with a centered label with trailing significant blanks.

Custom labels in buttons seem to require that the text is added through the button's Text property not CustomLabel.Text or CustomLabel.AttributedText

I have tried the following using CSBuilder but get a blank button:
Private Sub Page1_Resize(Width As Int, Height As Int)
    Private cs As CSBuilder
    Private wrk_button As Button
    wrk_button.InitializeCustom("", Colors.Red, Colors.Red)
    Page1.RootPanel.AddView(wrk_button, 5%x, 5%y, 90%x, 20%y)
    wrk_button.Color = Colors.Gray
    wrk_button.CustomLabel.AttributedText = cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("        Garbage        ").PopAll
    wrk_button.CustomLabel.Left = 5%x
    wrk_button.CustomLabel.Width = 80%x
    wrk_button.CustomLabel.Color = Colors.Transparent
    wrk_button.CustomLabel.TextAlignment = wrk_button.CustomLabel.ALIGNMENT_CENTER
    wrk_button.CustomLabel.Multiline = False
    wrk_button.CustomLabel.Font = Font.CreateNewBold(5%y)

End Sub
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OK, got it working, seems pretty messy though...
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