B4J Question Change color of slider, checkbox using CSS


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I can change the colors of the buttons using the CSS. For instance:
.button {
    -fx-background-color: #095db1;
.button:hover {
    -fx-background-color: #265685;
.button:pressed {
    -fx-background-color: #033c73;
.button:disabled {
    -fx-background-color: #959595;
If I try to do the same for the slider, then I only fill in the background. How for a slider can I change the colors of a separate scale and a separately moving element?
If I try to change the color for the checkbox, but nothing happens at all. How can I change colors for a checkbox? Separately of that field where I put a tick?


B4X founder
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You can use B4XSeekBar from XUI Views:

It is cross platform and easy to customize.
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
You can use B4XSeekBar from XUI Views:

It is cross platform and easy to customize.
I would like to work with a standard slider, but if this is not possible, I will have to go to XUI Views. Can I make such a slider using XUI Views?

I found code on the forum that can change the color of the slider bar.
Sub SliderTrackColorRGB(slr As Slider, Color As String)
    Dim joSldr As JavaObject = slr
    joSldr.RunMethodJo("lookup", Array(".track")).RunMethod("setStyle", Array($"-fx-background-color:${Color};"$))
End Sub
As far as I understand, color changes using CSS. But can I myself manually use CSS to change the light of the slider scale and the color of the moving part of the slider?
Another question: is it possible to somehow change the color of the checkbox?
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