Good Day Everyone! i have little problem about my timer, when I subtract the lblTime itself by 1 the result is decimal numbers.
how do i change it to whole numbers?
Here is my Code:
Sub Timer1_Tick
CountDown = CountDown -1
lblSeconds.Text = CountDown
If CountDown = 0 Then
CountDown = 5
End If
If lblSeconds.Text = 0 Then
lblTime.Text = lblTime.Text - 1
End If
If lblTime.Text = 0 Then
'ToastMessageShow ("Time's Up!!","")
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Tick
CountDown = CountDown -1
lblSeconds.Text = CountDown
If CountDown = 0 Then
CountDown = 5
End If
If lblSeconds.Text = 0 Then
lblTime.Text = cInt(lblTime.Text) - 1
End If
If lblTime.Text = 0 Then
'ToastMessageShow ("Time's Up!!","")
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cInt(o as Object) as Int
Return Floor(o)
End Sub