Wish Change Field Order (EditText or similar) into design


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Longtime User
Hi Erel.
I think these features can be very useful.
Everyone can understand that they have to add a field (EditText / Autocompletedit, etc) and have to change the order.
By making an example, i can initially have the "name", "surname", "date of birth".
At a later time i realize i have to add a field for example a "city" and that date i want to ask it after a "surname"
So the new order should be:
name, surname, city, date of birth.
However, if i add a city to any location (except at the end) when typing the data on the keyboard there is no longer the "NEXT" button but the "DONE" button.

I am currently solving the problem with the fantastic library Change Field Order ( HERE ) by @stevel05 ( Thanks Stev )

For example, you could be added a property type "order:" where the user can type the order of that field

or according to the order of the tree takes the right order:

But i think it might be very useful
Thank you
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