I want to change the font and text size of the items in a B4XListTemplate. I tried all the 'options.' members below, but none works.
I keep guessing with so many members and hierarchical layers available, hoping one works.
Thank you.
Private Dialog As B4XDialog
Private options As B4XListTemplate
Dialog.Initialize (Activity)
options.CustomListView1.GetPanel(0).GetView(0).Font =xui.CreateDefaultFont(26) 'no good
options.CustomListView1.GetPanel(0).Font =xui.CreateDefaultFont(26)'no good
options.CustomListView1.GetBase.GetView(0).Font = xui.CreateDefaultFont(26) 'no good
options.mBase.GetView(0).TextSize=26 'no good
options.mBase.GetView(0).GetView(0).font=xui.CreateDefaultFont(26) 'no good
Thank you.