There seems to be a change in the HTTP-library which breaks my code.
I can't reproduce it easily since the HTTP-library is used to connect to a satellite-decoder (within a LAN) but with version 1.02 it works while 1.04 and 1.06 will not work.
Basically, my program changes a channel on the decoder and it will work the first time but then if I want to change channel again, it will simply time-out. However, using version 1.02 it works flawlessly. The code is always the same.
Part of the code is as follows:
Dim request As HttpRequest
URLZap = "http://" & main.boxip & ":" & main.boxport & "/cgi-bin/zapTo?path=" & myChanCode
request.Timeout = 5000 'set timeout to 5 seconds
If HttpChanClient1.ExecuteCredentials(request,2,main.BoxUser,main.BoxPassword)=False Then Return
ProgressDialogShow("changing channel")
From version 1.03 up to the most recent one, did you change anything particular in the library which I might need to take into consideration when writing my code?
PS: another odd thing is that not all users are suffering from this problem.