Android Question Change PNG base color


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Hi All,

I'm using a set of PNG based images as icons and they are all initially a white icon with transparent background. On a lot of them I need to have them so that they can be coloured - not the transparent background but the white part of the image.

Without it being too slow or memory intensive Is there a way to do a color wash on an icon without affecting the transparent part.

Any pointers on how to do this short of pre creating all the icons in the colours I need?




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Thats a shame.

Yeah kind of along the lines I was thinking.

If I reversed the image so that the oiriginal transparent area is now opaque and the actual image is now an alpha transparent layer I could then have the background colour behind the image.

If I generate this as a panel of the same size as the image then I should be able to make it self contained object - think it would work? I can't think of any reason that it would cause issues.
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