Android Question Change SeekBar Color via Code

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all.
i m using this code (at manifest) to change the seekbar color.
<item name="android:progressTint">#FF8D63C7</item>
<item name="android:progressBackgroundTint">#FFCACACA</item>
<item name="android:thumbTint">#FF8D63C7</item>

but this code changes all seekbar, I want to have others with other colors.
Is it possible to change via code avoiding the manifest? (a sub getting the seekbar and the color)
Is it possible to use the above code with javaobject or reflection?

thank you!


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
You cannot change individual seekbar color scheme. Though you can change seekbar color scheme of individual activity. Just create individual theme for individual activity in which you want different color of seekbar and set seekbar color scheme to that.

I will recommend you to use a custom view.
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