I have to use high contrast black on Windows Vista (partially sighted).
I can change highlighting colors in B4P.xml, but user-defined names do not appear to be included (such as form1.show) and are invisible rendering the IDE unusable. Is this a bug or am I missing sonething?
I have attached to jpgs; bbb4pblack is my normal screen, b4pclassic is the windows classic screen. Notice I have changed all the forecolors I could fnd in your file B4P.xml. User-defined names are variable or object names assigned and used by the programmer.i
Will look into it in the next version.
Send me an email to erel@basic4ppc.com if you decide to purchase Basic4ppc. I can build a custom version with a different default font color for you.
BTW, how were you able to change the background color (from white to black)?
I like your product a lot but I haven't had a chance to evaluate yet. I do appreciate your offer.I'll get back to you. Thanks.
When I change the windows color scheme your IDE default backgound color responds but the default forecolor stubbornly remains black - seems hardwired in some way!