Android Question Changing labels when the text is changed


Licensed User
Hello, I have a problem wich I cant solve. I made a bitmap drawable label. I changed the propertys left, hight, left and top in the script. Then I changed the label layout with a png bitmap as
follows: btmLichtblauwLabel.Initialize (LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "Knop lichtblauw O.png")) Everything is working perfect. The text is also visible. But when I click a button to change te text
lblMajeurTekst.Text = "Majeur toonladder" The labelsize stays correct, because I can see the text, but the label png image has changed to a smaller size. Cant figure out whats happening.
Can anyone help me with this problem? PS the first time the label gets its text in the activity create section and this works fine.


Licensed User
Thank you for your quick reply, I think I understand the problem, I used 1 bitmap drawable for 2 different sizes of labels. Now I made drawables for every size label I use
and the problem is gone. I don't know the technical reason is for this, but I don't have to know that.
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