This Library can be used to connect your Device to a MySQL database. The Library use a direct connection to the MySQL databaseserver.
Requisites: The Database must be accessible from "outside"
DisAdvantages: Due to the app needs the Databasecredentials (including username and password). There Credentials must be included in your App. I suggest using this Library only for private or company intern use.
Version: 1.06
Requisites: The Database must be accessible from "outside"
DisAdvantages: Due to the app needs the Databasecredentials (including username and password). There Credentials must be included in your App. I suggest using this Library only for private or company intern use.
Version: 1.06
Events:- BatchResult (batch As Map)
- ExecResult (meta As Map)
- ListTables (tables As List, ms as Long As )
- QueryResult (data as List As , meta As Map)
- QueryResult2 (data as List As , meta As Map)
- Status (Connected As Boolean, ReConnecting As Boolean, RetriesLeft As Int)
- CloseDatabase
Closes the database
</code> - DisableReconnect
Disable automatic auto_reconnect if the MySQL Database Connection is lost
By default this is enabled - EnableReconnect
Enable automatic auto_reconnect if the MySQL Database Connection is lost
By default this is enabled. - ExecuteASync (query As String, Task As String)
executes ONE SQL-Commands (insert, update, delete)
db.executeasync("INSERT INTO b4alog SET log_value='Test"&i&"', log_time="&DateTime.Now&";")
</code> - ExecuteBatchASync (batch As List, Task As String)
executes a batch of SQL-Commands (insert, update, delete)
Dim batch As List
For i=1 To 100
batch.Add("INSERT INTO b4alog SET log_value='Test"&i&"', log_time="&DateTime.Now&";")
</code> - ExecutePeparedStatement
- Initialize (event As String, host As String, user As String, password As String, Database As String)
Initialize the Library
the url to your database. You dont need to prefix it with
jdbc:mysql:// as this will be done automatically
db.Initialize("eventname","","dbusername","dbpassword","dbname")</code> - ListTablesAsync
Get a list of all tables inside this catalog (database)
The event listtables will be raised
Sub sql_listtables(tables As List)
For i=0 To tables.Size-1
Log("Table "&tables.Get(i))
End Sub
</code> - PeparedStatement (sql As String)
- QueryASync (query As String, Task As String)
Query the Database. When the Method finishes the event QueryResult
will be raised
QueryResult gets two values. A "List of Maps" for the results. Each
Item in the List contains a Map holding the Values from on Resultrow
The Second value is a Map containing some informations:
ColumnCount, RecordCount and time elapsed in ms for the query
db.queryasync("select * from members LIMIT 0,1 ;")</code> - QueryASync2 (query As String, Task As String)
Query the Database. When the Method finishes the event QueryResult2
will be raised
QueryResult gets two values. A "List of Strings" for the results. Each
Item in the List contains a String holding the Values from on Resultrow
in the format "["+field1+","+field2+"]"
The Second value is a Map containing some informations:
ColumnCount, RecordCount and time elapsed in ms for the query
db.queryasync2("select * from members LIMIT 0,1 ;")</code> - SelectDB (database As String) As Boolean
Manually select the database to Query. - SetPeparedBlob (parameterIndex As Int, imagepath As String)
- SetPeparedInt (parameterIndex As Int, x As Int)
- SetPeparedLong (parameterIndex As Int, x As Long)
- SetPeparedString (parameterIndex As Int, x As String)
- check_connection
- isReconnectEnabled As Boolean
Test whether or not automatic reconnect is currently enabled.
By default automatic auto_reconnect is enabled
Return type: @return:true if automatic auto_reconnect is enabled, false if it is disabled
- ReconnectNumRetry As Int
Returns the maximum number of automatic reconnection attempts before giving
up and throwing an exception.
If this value was not changed with {@link #setReconnectNumRetry(int)} the default
number of attempts is 15 - ReconnectTime As Int
Returns the waiting time before attempting to auto_reconnect to the MySQL
Database server.
If this value was not changed with {@link #setReconnectTime(int)} the default
waiting time is 5 seconds
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