[chargeable] MSMySQL - Yet another MySQL-Library (but a FAST one :-))


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I´m sure no one of my users have shared or decompiled the library...

The problem i have is:
- I get a Payment. With this Payment i get a buyer-email and probably a name.
- I have no username here in forum from the buyers.
Some of the buyers i could find from the names, some i recognized through the comments they leave (like you, Jaames)
So i´m trying to figure out this reference for myself.


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@hotspring has been a member since 2010 but has only ever posted 2 comments @Jaames, both of which are in this library thread

Anyway, how are you finding this great library? @DonManfred has Don a great job imo...
I'll quote myself, I've posted it already
This is the best and simplest to use MySQL library I came across, Keep up the great work!
Thanks for all of your support. (I even got the lib without paying, until my card is ready to pay. Another thanks for that)
Grate lib and good job Don.


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There is no property inside the lib showing the state (connected) actually.
But there is a new Event raised in actual version (0.36; can be found on my dropbox-shared link)

Sub MySQL_Status(Connected As Boolean, ReConnecting As Boolean, RetriesLeft As Int)
    lblStatus.Text = "MySQL_Status("&Connected&","&ReConnecting&","&RetriesLeft&")"
End Sub


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There is also a first version of PreparedStatements available in 0.36

for ex.

    db.PeparedStatement("INSERT INTO members Set id=?, member_name=?;")

The first parameter of the Set-commands is the index where to put the value in.
In this case i have a query with two questionmarks. This is index 1 and 2. The maximum index depends on the amount of questionmarks in the sql.
It is actually untested!

Blobs should work too
    db.PeparedStatement("INSERT INTO pictures Set image=?;")
but this is untested too actually...


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I test this library on wifi connection without internet connection and it seems to be slow. Is this library is checking if there is an internet access?


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i'm lost, i can't connect to mysql. obviusly i have some mistake.
This is my Initialize in Activity Create.


and i try this in a button

DBAvalon.ExecuteASync("INSERT INTO test SET maquina=60,valor=1000;")

but, nothing happens, even, when the application starts, it's frozen(black screen) by 10 seconds, and then show the activity. i think is try to connect.

MSMySQL jar and xml is in the libraries, and mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin too, it's ok?

what is DisableStrictMode? it's necessary?

thanks in advance.


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it's necessary?
Usually no because this is integrated into the Library.
Maybe you need to check firewall and Antivirus if they allow connections to port 3306 on this machine (the machine the database is running on).
What does the log output? If there is a reconnect then this should be printed to the logs.

Peter Simpson

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DisableStrictMode is not necessary as this library copes with that issue.
First try something simple like.
DBAvalon.QueryASync2("SELECT * FROM `test`")
Then read the response in.
Sub MySQL_QueryResult2(data As List, meta As Map)
End Sub


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the server is running, and i have access, for example with toad from other PC in the same network.
in the logs, i have nothing

Peter Simpson

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Are you sure that "" is 100% correct and that you have got your login details 100% correct as well?
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ok, i have connection now, what i do? i don't now... only a clean app only with a button y connection...

i go for test my old connection...
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