[Chargeable] RSStandOut 3.0 - Floating Apps


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I don't think that this library is still relevant. I've moved this thread to the archived libraries forum.
So bad it was a really good Lib and there's no other alternatives anyway thank you so much Erel to clear things up


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I cannot use rsstandout.
Do have anybody a example for rsstandout?
I copy first post code in service and now how show floating app?


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So.. i guess either it is this lib (that seems to be dead by now) or the tooleap.. right? No other alternatives?

The tooleap sounds nice but requires API connection so it is really not a standalone solution.. this one (although older) sounded much nicer to me...


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I agree with you the Tooleap is not an alternative at all it requires an API and you cant really customize your panels like the search bar will always remain there
I guess no other alternatives "for now"


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I agree with you the Tooleap is not an alternative at all it requires an API and you cant really customize your panels like the search bar will always remain there
I guess no other alternatives "for now"

Actually, Tooleap its worse than that. You have to share the floating elements with any other app that uses the Tooleap Api.


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How i can use panel touch event or click event (window touchable not allow to use other view touch event)?
and how prevent from create new window when click on notification?


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can i stay my own app on another app.
can i select below app.

for example running another app.
i must press home button to run my own app.

i can make transparent app but some [phones/android versions ] shows application launcher under my app.

on samsung galaxy tab s / 4.4.2 nothing problem. You can change app by menu button.


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Thank you DonManfred,

by the way i solved my problem.

i created service and open my own app from notification bar.
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There's now an alternative to this library
a really cool alternative, @Informatix

Thank you for putting it into the pro-bundle

PS: I´ve discontinued the debug-overlay and put a link to your alternative in my post.
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