ChatGPT - "3D sphere"


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ChatSD also handled touch


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B4J code generated by ChatGPT (it only failed to handle arrow key press events).
AI it's interesting and I use it a lot, but I can say that it is useful for creating small parts of a code. A complex query or solve some problems in known languages.
But it is not efficient in all languages, it often applies the syntax of another language or non-existent methods, it always needs to be fixed. It also can't develop an app unless it's very small. Often uses instructions incorrectly.


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I know your skills in this area, @Star-Dust, but mine are much poorer. Note that I was not interested in getting something usable, I just wanted to test out ChatGPT's capabilities.
Yes, in fact it was an answer to ChatGPT. It's still not at chatSD level

Johan Schoeman

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This is what Copilot gives me when asked to draw a 3D sphere in B4J and to rotate it. Have not tried it in a B4J project. Don't know what it has done with the Timer.....

write b4j code to draw a 3d sphere:
Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
    Private Timer1 As Timer
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Layout1") 'Load the layout file.

    ' Create a 3D sphere
    Dim sphere As JavaObject
    sphere.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.shape.Sphere", Array(100)) ' 100 is the radius of the sphere

    ' Create a 3D scene
    Dim scene As JavaObject
    scene.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.Scene", Array(MainForm.RootPane, 800, 600, True))
    scene.RunMethod("setFill", Array(fx.Colors.White))

    ' Add the sphere to the scene
    Dim root As JavaObject = scene.RunMethod("getRoot", Null)
    root.RunMethod("getChildren", Null).RunMethod("add", Array(sphere))

    ' Create a PointLight
    Dim pointLight As JavaObject
    pointLight.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.PointLight", Null)
    pointLight.RunMethod("setColor", Array(fx.Colors.White))
    pointLight.RunMethod("setTranslateX", Array(200))
    pointLight.RunMethod("setTranslateY", Array(-100))
    pointLight.RunMethod("setTranslateZ", Array(-300))

    ' Add the light to the scene
    root.RunMethod("getChildren", Null).RunMethod("add", Array(pointLight))

    ' Set the scene to the form
    MainForm.RootPane.RunMethod("setScene", Array(scene))

    ' Create a RotateTransition for the sphere
    Dim rotateTransition As JavaObject
    rotateTransition.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.animation.RotateTransition", Array(2000, sphere)) ' 2000 ms duration
    rotateTransition.RunMethod("setByAngle", Array(360)) ' Rotate by 360 degrees
    rotateTransition.RunMethod("setCycleCount", Array(-1)) ' Infinite loop
    rotateTransition.RunMethod("setAutoReverse", Array(False))

    ' Start the rotation
    rotateTransition.RunMethod("play", Null)
End Sub


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Longtime User
most of the errors were caused by passing integer values where it needed doubles.

also a white sphere on a white background with a white light - not a good combination if you actually want to see anything.

modified code (no rotation - as a plain sphere wont look like its rotating anyways)
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Layout1") 'Load the layout file.

    ' Create a 3D sphere
    Dim sphere As JavaObject
    sphere.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.shape.Sphere", Array(100.00)) ' 100 is the radius of the sphere

    ' Add the sphere to the scene

    ' Create a PointLight
    Dim pointLight As JavaObject
    pointLight.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.PointLight", Null)
    pointLight.RunMethod("setColor", Array(
    pointLight.RunMethod("setTranslateX", Array(200.0))
    pointLight.RunMethod("setTranslateY", Array(-100.0))
    pointLight.RunMethod("setTranslateZ", Array(-600.0))

    ' Add the light to the scene

    ' Set the scene to the form
    'MainForm.RootPane.RunMethod("setScene", Array(scene))

    ' Create a RotateTransition for the sphere
'    Dim rotateTransition As JavaObject
'    rotateTransition.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.animation.RotateTransition", Array(2000, sphere)) ' 2000 ms duration
'    rotateTransition.RunMethod("setByAngle", Array(360)) ' Rotate by 360 degrees
'    rotateTransition.RunMethod("setCycleCount", Array(-1)) ' Infinite loop
'    rotateTransition.RunMethod("setAutoReverse", Array(False))

    ' Start the rotation
'    rotateTransition.RunMethod("play", Null)
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am sure that with a bit of effort one could turn this into a 3D rotating sphere.
With bit effort with B4X and without AI he made a 3D in multiplatform

I have tested Copilot a lot, it also has a fairly effective image generation. For the rest they don't change much. I use both, when I'm lucky one gives me an acceptable result

B4J code generated by ChatGPT (it only failed to handle arrow key press events).
Post the code that generated
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