chatgpt & Android Studio


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Do you think it is possible to create an app from stratch using android studio with zero java, kotlin knowledge as a b4a developer using chatgpt?
What are your ideas?



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What are your ideas?
Not to try it at all.

If you have no java and/or kotlin knowledge i guess it would be a very hard task to fix the problems you get from chatGPT output. It may work in some cases but do not expect it in all cases.


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Not to try it at all.

If you have no java and/or kotlin knowledge i guess it would be a very hard task to fix the problems you get from chatGPT output. It may work in some cases but do not expect it in all cases.
Thanks. In fact the reason I asked it, I wasn't a chatgpt believer and I was stuck in b4a for some reason (no needed libraries and similar) so I setup android studio and started working with chatgpt to create file upload and transfer app on android. I am about to finish the project after 2 weeks. I must say, when they say developers will lose their jobs, I started to believe them. It is insane what it can do. I will post a link to app when it is finished. It was an experiment for me but I am really surprised.

When I get an error, I paste the error to chatgpt and it fixes it even tough I don't understand much. Of course there are some cons but if you know how to ask chatgpt, it provides you the correct approach.


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Yesterday i was in such role: i was trying to make a case 3D-model for Arduino PCB in the OpenSCAD (programmatic 3D-editor) with help of ChatGPT.
The programming language of OpenSCAD is clear, but formally unknown fo me.
I thought if i need a source code generation of the complex 3D-bodies - AI will make it for me.

Yes, it works. But only for simple figures and bodies. The more complex variant you need, the much worse result is created by AI.
But if to combine results of tens requests to AI, _manually_ as a programmer - i was able to create the simple case idea that i needed. After half a day !

But i have no idea how to go on with next small but complex details of the 3D model. And now i think that better if to hire an experienced 3D-designer using more traditional 3D-editor.


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Andrew (Digitwell)

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I have had a similar experience to @DonManfred. I wanted to incorporate jQuery FormBuilder into a laravel app I am creating, but I wanted to create some custom fields which included extra information and UI.

I was struggling getting the hang of the documentation so I tried ChatGPT. The responses got a little bit further than I did by myself, but even when pasting the errors in for further support it was unable to come up with a working solution.

My conclusion is that there is not a great deal of info on jQuery Formbuilder on the web whilst there will be lots of info for Android development, so ChatGPT will give better answers for Android development than for something a bit more obscure.

In the end, I had a developer experienced in FormBuilder make the develop the custom fields.


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You get what you want if you know how to use the right tools.
I think many times we are advised to use the programming language we are most familiar with.


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as android studio and android development is quite popular, the answers are also quite accurate.


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I think file upload is also a very common function.


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I can create a housing like this in 10 minutes with my CAD application.
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