Hi All
This is a spin off question from another post.
The code below is my attempt answer my own question but is throwing up [an error] while compiling. I suspect it may have something to do with the Java bits [Sub RenameTo] which I have taken from another post.
Many Thanks in advance
Regards Roger
The Error Message:
This is a spin off question from another post.
The code below is my attempt answer my own question but is throwing up [an error] while compiling. I suspect it may have something to do with the Java bits [Sub RenameTo] which I have taken from another post.
Many Thanks in advance
Regards Roger
The Error Message:
B4A Version: 9.50
Java Version: 8
Parsing code. (0.09s)
Building folders structure. (0.04s)
Compiling code. (1.04s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.11s)
Organizing libraries. (0.00s)
(AndroidX SDK)
Generating R file. (0.00s)
Compiling debugger engine code. Error
B4A line: 3058
javac 1.8.0_65
shell\src\horsetrailer\B4A\AntennaBearingTool\main_subs_0.java:4403: error: ';' expected
_renameto(RemoteObject.concat(main.mostCurrent.__c.getField(false,"File").runMethod(true,"getDirRootExternal"),RemoteObject.createImmutable("/ABT/")),main.mostCurrent._oldname,RemoteObject.concat(main.mostCurrent.__c.getField(false,"File").runMethod(true,"getDirRootExternal"),RemoteObject.createImmutable("/ABT/")),main.mostCurrent._newname)} };
Sub RenameTo(DirName As String, OldFileName As String, NewDirName As String, NewFileName As String) As Boolean
Dim Source As JavaObject
Dim Dest As JavaObject
Return Source.RunMethod("renameTo",Array As Object(Dest))
End Sub
Sub BtnSiteListPlus_click
'Looks for file not named correctly in lowercase and renames it correctly
If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal&"/ABT/", "impsitelist.csv") = False Then 'Only run if file not found
Table = MF_File.ListFiles(File.DirRootExternal & "/ABT/", "*.*", True, False) 'Make list of all files
If Table.Size > 0 Then 'Only run if there is at least 1 file
For i = 0 To Table.Size -1 'Loops to find file incorrectly Cased
OldName = Table.Get(i)
NewName = OldName.ToLowerCase
If NewName = "impsitelist.csv" Then
RenameTo(File.DirRootExternal&"/ABT/", OldName, File.DirRootExternal&"/ABT/", NewName) As Boolean 'Go to Rename Sub
End If
End If
End If
End Sub