On Android the size of a cursor is limited depending on the version to 1MB or 2MB (to be checked).
So with your request you overflow the size of the cursor and it causes an error.
The reason for the overflow is probably related to the size of the images.
A first (partial) solution would be not to encode the images in base64. Sqlite can store images directly in binary without base64 encoding. The weight of a base64 encoded image is about 4/3 the weight of the binary image. So you can save 1/3 of the size. (Search on forum ImageToByte() for storing in SQLITE Blob)
This will improve the situation but even so you may still have overflows. The solution in this case is not to retrieve the image directly in the SQL query, but by later by an other independent query.
For example in your query instead of returning the image field, you return the rowid line of the record.
Dim sSQL As String = $"select distinct a.id, rowid , ifnull(a.filename,'') as imagename, 0 as base_image, 0 as on_report
from dta_tasks_items as a
inner join dta_requests_values as b on (b.task_tagcode=b.task_tagcode
and b.item_tagcode=a.item_tagcode and b.unique_key=a.unique_key)
where b.request_tagcode='${this.Request.Trim}'
and b.inner_request_tagcode='${this.Action.Trim}'
and b.task_tagcode='${this.Task.Trim}'
and b.item_tagcode='${this.Item.Trim}'
and b.unique_key='${this.UniqueKey.Trim}'
and b.repeatcounter=${this.RepeatCounter}
and b.repeatitemcounter=${this.RepeatItemCounter}
and b.repeatfieldcounter=${this.repeatfieldcounter
This way the cursor will stay at a reasonable size.
And when you want to use the image you query by another SQL query. For example :
myImage = sql.selectExecQuerySingleResult ($"SELECT image FROM dta_tasks_items WHERE rowid =${rowidFromCurrentCursorline}$ "$)
Otherwise it is not enough to cut the search for the image into slices
see for example :
An other approach is to reduce the image size by compression (JPEG/WEBP) and/or resizing. This allows you to strongly reduce the space occupied.
A last approach is not to store the images in the database but as files in a directory