I wonder whether it is (still) true that on the device a program can only be started once.
I run Windows 6.1 on my device and I can easily start two occurrences of the same program.
I did this accidentely by tapping twice the program name on the Start menu (impatient!). One occurrenc ran into problems because it tried to delete a file which was in use by the other occurrence.
I tried to avoid that problem using the following code in AppStart:
If cPPC=True Then
For i = 0 To ArrayLen(ProcArr()) -1
If StrToUpper(ProcArr(i))=StrToUpper("MyProgram.EXE") Then
Runs =Runs+1
End If
Next i
End If
If Runs > 1 Then
Msgbox("MyProgram runs already. This occurrence is closed.",cMsgboxOK,cMsgboxExclamation)
End If
Unfortunately this doesnt work. I think that the processes are created so fast and it takes so long to really start the program, that both occurrences find out that the program is already running.
I use a downloaded, flashed version of Windows Mobiule 6.1 on my device, but I can hardly think that that is the cause of this 'problem'.
Please comment.