I would say you can do that easily and effectively using ContentObserver (it will immediately detects the change/add), but unfortunately we do not have it implemented yet in B4A...
However I may be wrong (never tried so before)...
Or... you can use ContentResolver to check if this contact exists there... ContentResolver can be used in B4A.
Sub FindContact(phonenumber As String) As String
Dim phonesUri As Uri, name As String = ""
phonesUri.WithAppendedPath(phonesUri, phonenumber)
Dim phones As Cursor = cr.Query(phonesUri, Array As String("number", "display_name"),"number = ?", Array As String(phonenumber), "")
If phones.RowCount > 0 Then
phones.Position = 0
name = phones.GetString("display_name")
End If
Return name
End Sub