Check out this Email I got


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Yes of course, please help the poor programmer (Saudi Arabia???)! He is able to programme an app but is too stupid to put it in the Playstore. Of course...
Well, maybe he lives in a country where the Playstore is generally not available?
I call such emails "3G emails".

Gesehen, Gelacht, Gelöscht (german)

means: Seen, laughed at, deleted

And now I have to stop. I don't have time, because I have to help the Prince of Zamunda very quickly, because I got an email from him. Transfer 5000 euros and I'll inherit half the kingdom from him...



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With a single remote command, he can turn the app into god knows what


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I too got an email offering 50 to 100 usd for different apk upload from my gconsole a/c.
Since I stay at Forum, I knew from other members about such piggyback tricks. Deleted then and there.


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Yeah right I'm going to publish your App
Did you Google Zuzu Chan? ...

But, look, here's the thing.

The offer is " pay it for you." [pretty good reverse grammar there]

more to the point is : the ID-IOT hasn't worked out that publishing on your Play account would generate revenue in that account (assuming whatever it is, is marketable).

UM doesn't that mean it should be " could pay it over to me..."?

Gee you could make your fortune - with no work - everyone's dream.....Been mine for decades (and I still wonder where I went wrong....)

Robert Valentino

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Today I got this Email:

Just don't understand how I can pass up this chance of a lifetime...

WOW, these guys are getting clever


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Google is totally forbidden in my country and I do have same requirement if I want to publish apps in Google Play.

If it was me I would discuss with a trustful foreign programmer friend who has experience with Google Play to release the app and share benefits with the friend, which I think is feasible (not sure the risks as I have zero experience with app publishing). Randomly select an app publisher for this purpose is definitely unacceptable.

I don't know whether an app publishing agency company exists or not to collect app works from different developers and manage all on-play business.


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Just another junk or spam email. Nothing new or interesting. Why so serious?


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this chance of a lifetime...
Your most Fervant hope, We are All sure, is, that you would be paid IN your lifetime......

so - I once again went into the browser address bar and entered the domain URL and I got (plus a bunch of PHP code showing the erroreous code ) :::

fwrite(): Write of 2520 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded (link unlinked)

HUH! (once again) - REALLY missing that HUH! smilie- darn!
Serves them Right . . . .


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The website ( does have a trust rating of 6.3 / 100 so they must be legit (NOT).


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This is pathetic.

At least a subject and more lines, I would prefer.


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@AnandGupta That made me immediatley think of John Belushi in the Blues Brothers trying to buy the children of the other diners in the restaurant.

Robert Valentino

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This is pathetic.

View attachment 156287

At least a subject and more lines, I would prefer.
Sometimes I just want to respond to these to see where it goes... But life is too short and at 73 I have very little to waste on this now a days.

But years ago I would keep telemarketers on the phone as long as I could until they realize I was just playing them along, but that became a bore...


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Sometimes I just want to respond to these to see where it goes.
Oh that's a good game - there must be a way to put them and charGPT together and see what intelligence emerges.....perhaps it would go into an infinite loop.....
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