Do not do that. You will delete the table. Do this:
If Sql1.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name ='yourTableName'") = 0 Then
msgbox("Does not exist","")
msgbox("Table exists","")
End If
SQL1.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" & ayir2(0) & ")
with this line:
SQL1.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " & ayir2(0))
Notice the space after EXISTS
EDIT: I forgot to mention also that you need a space here after TABLE like this: ("CREATE TABLE "
Also, you need a space after INTO like this: "INSERT INTO "
I'm trying to understand... You want to delete a table and recreate it, or you want to create it in case it doesn't exist? If it's the second, you should use
create table if not exists yourTable (and so on...)
SQL1.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" & ayir2(0) & ")
with this line:
SQL1.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " & ayir2(0))
Notice the space after EXISTS
EDIT: I forgot to mention also that you need a space here after TABLE like this: ("CREATE TABLE "
Also, you need a space after INTO like this: "INSERT INTO "
if(table_name.compareto(SQ.ExecQuerySingleResult("Select name From sqlite_master WHERE Type='table' AND name='"& table_name & "'"))==0)then
log("Table exist")
log("Table don't exist")
end if
if(table_name.compareto(SQ.ExecQuerySingleResult("Select name From sqlite_master WHERE Type='table' AND name='"& table_name & "'"))==0)then
log("Table exist")
log("Table don't exist")
end if