This may be a strange one, but I was thinking if it would be possible to check through code if a certain library was in the apk file? It could be a crude way to see if e.g. the adMob library is in it so this must be the free version, otherwise it's the Pro version. Or maybe there is already something like that possible with try/catch?
btw Erel, how was the Startup Contest? You certainly should be rewarded for your very good app!
Yes, yours is a specialized tool only for a select audience, but be reassured that this audience is very happy with it! I use it a lot within our company for internal apps and soon I'll release a big personal app to google play. B4A's different debug possibilities are unique and the possibility to write your own libraries in java for specialized stuff is very useful. Keep up the good work and I'm sure some other business opportunities will come your way.