Bug? CheckBox color


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Besides the use of 9patch images, that is a complete different approach, there is another observation to do: with or without the android:targetSdkVersion="14" addition in manifest, checkbox and other views behavior remains the same in the emulator, while changes much in real devices. On LG smartphone and Samsung tablet, for example, without the "android:targetSdkVersion="14"", checkbox appearance is still acceptable, being only the color of the mark different. With the addition of targetversion=14 to manifest, on the two real devices behavior changes, in both cases, in unacceptable way: on LG disappears, while on Samsung the checkbox appears as a "filled square" whose meaning is difficult to understand.


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Welcome to the word of Android fragmentation which all developers face.

I think you will get same results regardless of which development tools you are using, be it B4A or Eclipse.

Maybe if you want to have complete control, you need to write your own custom control. There are tutorials here on the forum how to do it. I am the phone now so it's difficult to link the threads but they should show up if you search for them.


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Sorry, this is not fragmentation. This is mess. Something different. If LG shows nothing, Samsung shows a black square and emulator shows everything correct, this means "unpredictable" behavior, not fragmentation. Moreover, if the mess will be confirmed, i suspect that even a custom control will guarantee correct behavior. Anyway I still hope in a solution from the guru's ... Perhaps I will accept the small differences displayed with the standard manifest and forget about. Thanks.


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This is to update my previous reports. Perhaps obvious things. I just verified that the emulator works well, in the sense that it reproduces exactly the real behavior of the real device. (Previously I was thinking that there was difference between Emulator and real behavior). The differences are due to Android versions. An emulator with Android 2.2 shows checkboxes with green marks, while with Android 4.2.2 not. Moreover, between Android versions the appearance is different, showing round corners in first case, for example. What makes the difference is the addition of targetSdkVersion=14. In this case checkboxes disappears either in the emulator or in the real device. A conclusion is that Android "world" seems not fragmented, but "varying".
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