B4A Library [CLASS] Animated Sliding Menu


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Great stuff NJDude, one small question. How come all TABS in your code are all over the place? The code is pretty much unreadable without reformatting it.

Cheers and thanks!


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Tracking when menu is closed


I need to find a way to see when the menu is closed by touch. The reason is that I want to slide all of my interface to the right when opening the menu. But, I also want to do this if the menu is closed by touch.

How could I do this?



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Is it possible to make the scrolling part sizeable in heigth ?
i.e. start at 30dip from the top and ends 30dip above the bottom


Well-Known Member
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I tried already, but dont know where exactly.
All failed


Active Member
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Amazing Class, i don't know how i didn't came across it before
this kind of classes should be marked some how to be more visible

Andy S.

Licensed User
Longtime User
Cool NJDude! What license model are you distributing this class under?

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