B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table


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As you want to fix the first column you should use only 2 ScrollViews.

Yes, this was one "request", thank you. (I did it few months ago placing a listview on the left of a Table .

The problem is that every time svColumns(i).ScrollPosition is called it raises a ScrollChanged event. Calling itself again !

Yes, a recursive call, I know, sigh

I'm trying using a global variable like "IsScrolling" and also checking the sender, but, at the moment, without success. I would need of a "scrollingCompleted" event.

Thank you, Klaus.


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I have almost reached the target (attached).

The problem is to find the point where set to Null the ScrollView that started the scrolling (svStarter)


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The problem is to find the point where set to Null the ScrollView that started the scrolling (svStarter)

... just for now, I used a timer.

I think it is possible to use an OnTouchListener: if the user press again on a ScrollView, set svStarter = Null

(I have found that, in English, this is called "soliloquy" )


  • HSV and SV test 5.zip
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@luciano deri, non ho capito lo scopo del timer, della velocità (una variabile, cE, non è inizializzata) etc.

Per me era sufficiente il fatto che puoi usare una ScrollView all'interno di una HorizontalView.

I did not understand the purpose of the timer, speed (BTW, a variable, cE, is "empty") etc.

For me it was enough the fact that you can use a ScrollView inside a HorizontalView.

Jay Young

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I am trying to load a sqlite db that i made into the flextable example and i keep getting errors the first one is on
line 324 cd1.Initialize(cColumnColors(i), 0) where (i) = index 5 and length = 5, i have a feeling this has to do with more columns in my db than the one that came with the example, any help on where to set these in the example.

error msg: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=5; index=5


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Sorry, but without seeing the whole code it's impossible to give you a concrete answer.
You should at least post the whole code where you initialize the Table class and where you load the database, or better post a small project showing the problem.

luciano deri

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Control this:
  1. How many column have the quary.
  2. in DBTABLE.SetHeaderColors(Array As Int(Colors.Magenta,Colors.Blue,..)) are there enough colors for each column of the query?
  3. in DBTABLE.SetColumnsWidths(Array As Int(25%x,75%X)) are there enough dimension for each column of the query?
  4. Every where you have a array for define same propetis of colum you must control that there are enough colors for each column of the query

Jay Young

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Hey thanks for your help i found out what is was I was not setting the number of colors in the code below, my table has 16 columns the example only had 5 in the Array

    Dim tf() As Typeface
    tf = Array As Typeface(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT)

    Table1.UseColumnColors = True
    Table1.SetColumnColors(Array As Int(Colors.White, 0xFF98F5FF, 0xFFFFC0FF, 0xFFC0FFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0))
    Table1.SetTextColors(Array As Int(Colors.Black, 0xFF800000, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF004000, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040))
    Table1.SetHeaderColors(Array As Int(Colors.Black, 0xFF800000, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF004000, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040, 0xFF400040))
    Table1.SetHeaderTextColors(Array As Int(Colors.White, 0xFF98F5FF, 0xFFFFC0FF, 0xFFC0FFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFC0))

Jay Young

Licensed User
Longtime User
using Flexible Table is it possible to click on a cell and change the value and update it in the sqlite db?
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