B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table


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I can capture a CellClick but, How can I Edit a Cell ?

I can't find any way to open the Keyboard by code.. then I could to open the Keyboard when the User click on some specifics columns

what you recommend?



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I am trying to add Table with designer but i can't fill it with data
dim tabella1 as tabella
tabella1.SetHeader(Array As String("Qnt", "Nome", "Importo"))
tabella1.AddRowAutomaticWidth(Array As String(quantita, NomeProdotto ,libs.ConvertiDecimale(importo)))

i have tried to set columns width :
tabella1.SetHeader(Array As String("Qnt", "Nome", "Importo"))
tabella1.SetColumnsWidths(Array As Int(50dip, 145dip, 145dip,145dip))

but it crashes in the setcolumnswidths

If i implement it with code , not with the designer it works fine.


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tabella1.SetColumnsWidths(Array As Int(50dip, 145dip, 145dip,145dip))
Non lo ricordo a memoria ma suppongo che quel SetColumnsWidths richieda la larghezza di ogni colonna, tu gli passi 4 valori ma hai 3 campi!

I suppose that SetColumnsWidths requires a value (width) for each column; you're passing 4 values to it but you have 3 fields only.
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Ho provato anche con 3 valori ma da lo stesso problema
I have tried with 4 values and it crashes the same way


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This is the code :

tabella1.SetColumnsWidths(Array As Int(50dip, 145dip, 145dip))
tabella1.SetHeader(Array As String("Qnt", "Nome", "Importo"))

This is the error

Error occurred on line: 442 (tabella)
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
at java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt(Array.java:550)
at java.lang.reflect.Array.set(Array.java:417)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.ArraysUtils.setElement(ArraysUtils.java:84)

If i set the header before setting the column widths i get this error :

tabella1.SetHeader(Array As String("Qnt", "Nome", "Importo"))
tabella1.SetColumnsWidths(Array As Int(50dip, 145dip, 145dip))

tabella1.ScaleTable(Scales.GetScaleX, Scales.GetScaleY, False)

This is the error :
Error occurred on line: 882 (tabella)
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
at it.arkosoft.ristomanager.tabella._setheader(tabella.java:391)


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i would like to know , how can i set different font color for individual cell. I Tried by changing the Sub "SetValue" in Table module, but the font color changes only on visible rows.not the bottom rows (rows which below the fold)


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is there anybody can help me please..
I'm problem when use .clearall while the table still contain data when I call .clearall


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This can be the most nice question I've read during these 3 years. [I'm not able to answer]
I curious to use table.removeRow(i) by looping the table. but unfortunately there's no function RowCount so that's no possible to looping and remove row.
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