B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table

luciano deri

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it seems to me that this can work. What do you think about it?
sub loadtable
StrQuery = "SELECT  Codice, descrizione, x  FROM table "
table.LoadSQLiteDB(dbSql, StrQuery,False)
end sub

Sub table_CellClick (Col As Int, Row As Int)
    fmu As Int
    StrQuery = "SELECT x FROM table WHERE Codice =
       table.GetValue(0,Row) & "'"
    DbCur = dbSql.ExecQuery(StrQuery)
    fmu = 0
    If DbCur.RowCount > 0 Then
        DbCur.Position = 0
        fmu = DbCurArt.GetInt("x")
    End If
    If fmu = 1 Then
        multipla_count = multipla_count - 1
        StrQuery = "UPDATE table SET X = 0 WHERE
               codice = '" & table.GetValue(0,Row) & "'"
        table.SetValue(2, Row, "0")
        multipla_count = multipla_count + 1
        StrQuery = "UPDATE table SET x = 1 WHERE
                table.GetValue(0,Row) & "'"
        table.SetValue(2, Row, "1")
    End If

End Sub

'Class table

'Set the colum where is a value to test for multi selection. Is string because 0 is a right 'value, but "" not valid value, so i can know when this
Public Sub setSelMu(SelMu As String)
    cSelMu = SelMu     
End Sub

Private Sub ShowRow(Row As Int)
    If visibleRows.ContainsKey(Row) Then Return
    'Log("ShowRow: " & Row)
    Dim lbls() As Label
    Dim values() As String
    lbls = GetLabels(Row)
    values = Data.get(Row)
    visibleRows.Put(Row, lbls)
    Dim rowColor() As Object
    If (SelectedRows.indexof(Row) <> -1 )Then
        rowColor = SelectedDrawable
    Else If Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
        rowColor = Drawable1
        rowColor = Drawable2
    End If
    For I = 0 To lbls.Length - 1
        If (Header.GetView(I).Width > 1 ) Then
            SV.Panel.AddView(lbls(I), Header.GetView(I).Left, Row * cRowHeight, Header.GetView(I).Width, cRowHeight - cLineWidth)
            lbls(I).Text = values(I)
            If I = SelectedCol And (SelectedRows.indexof(Row) <> -1) Then
                lbls(I).Background = SelectedCellDrawable
                lbls(I).Background = rowColor(I)
            End If
            'Manual color multiselction
            If IsNumber(cSelMu) And cSelMu <= (lbls.Length - 1) Then
                If values(cSelMu) = "1" Then
                    lbls(I).Background = SelectedCellDrawable
                    If Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
                        rowColor = Drawable1
                        rowColor = Drawable2
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            ' end  Manual color multiselction
            If MultiAlignments = False Then
                lbls(I).Gravity = cAlignment
                lbls(I).Gravity = cAlignments(I)
            End If
        End If


End Sub
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luciano deri

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No, in the class is only this
Class table

'Set the colum where is a value to test for multi selection. Is string because 0 is a right 'value, but "" not valid value, so i can know when this
Public Sub setSelMu(SelMu As String)
    cSelMu = SelMu     
End Sub

Private Sub ShowRow(Row As Int)
    If visibleRows.ContainsKey(Row) Then Return
    'Log("ShowRow: " & Row)
    Dim lbls() As Label
    Dim values() As String
    lbls = GetLabels(Row)
    values = Data.get(Row)
    visibleRows.Put(Row, lbls)
    Dim rowColor() As Object
    If (SelectedRows.indexof(Row) <> -1 )Then
        rowColor = SelectedDrawable
    Else If Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
        rowColor = Drawable1
        rowColor = Drawable2
    End If
    For I = 0 To lbls.Length - 1
        If (Header.GetView(I).Width > 1 ) Then
            SV.Panel.AddView(lbls(I), Header.GetView(I).Left, Row * cRowHeight, Header.GetView(I).Width, cRowHeight - cLineWidth)
            lbls(I).Text = values(I)
            If I = SelectedCol And (SelectedRows.indexof(Row) <> -1) Then
                lbls(I).Background = SelectedCellDrawable
                lbls(I).Background = rowColor(I)
            End If
            'Manual color multiselction
            If IsNumber(cSelMu) And cSelMu <= (lbls.Length - 1) Then
                If values(cSelMu) = "1" Then
                    lbls(I).Background = SelectedCellDrawable
                    If Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
                        rowColor = Drawable1
                        rowColor = Drawable2
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            ' end  Manual color multiselction
            If MultiAlignments = False Then
                lbls(I).Gravity = cAlignment
                lbls(I).Gravity = cAlignments(I)
            End If
        End If


End Sub

Afther, in the cell_click, i must edit the field shown in cSelmu column for could test here


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No, in the class is only this
I know.

But the code, I mentioned in my post #824 looks strange to me.
Afther, in the cell_click, i must edit the field shown in cSelmu column for could test here
Sorry, I don't understand.
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luciano deri

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when i click on cell of table, return on event table_CellClick pass Col and Row, this is standard.
Inside this sub i must read clicked row and change "x" column that contain state of select value .
Change this state with query, change corrispondent value in table with table.SetValue(...) and refresh table with table.refreshTable.

Sub table_CellClick (Col As Int, Row As Int)
    fmu As Int
    StrQuery = "SELECT x FROM table WHERE Codice =
       table.GetValue(0,Row) & "'"
    DbCur = dbSql.ExecQuery(StrQuery)
    fmu = 0
    If DbCur.RowCount > 0 Then
        DbCur.Position = 0
        fmu = DbCurArt.GetInt("x")
    End If
    If fmu = 1 Then
        multipla_count = multipla_count - 1
        StrQuery = "UPDATE table SET X = 0 WHERE
               codice = '" & table.GetValue(0,Row) & "'"
        table.SetValue(2, Row, "0")
        multipla_count = multipla_count + 1
        StrQuery = "UPDATE table SET x = 1 WHERE
                table.GetValue(0,Row) & "'"
        table.SetValue(2, Row, "1")
    End If

End Sub

luciano deri

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At 90%. I see a strange color effect, sometimes the panel became smaller than cell, but when table refresh return ok. I can' t understand , seems something with keyboard show but i'm not call nothing. How you can see focus not change, and there is nothing about table, only automatic show of keyboard by os.
See image


  • 3_select.png
    34.8 KB · Views: 268
  • keyboard_show.png
    36.9 KB · Views: 258
  • no_select.png
    32.2 KB · Views: 248


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I have been programming in B4PPC since its inception. When I first started, I noticed that Table Views lacked many functions. I wrote a library in C# to create a DataGridView from a SQL Query. It was reusable and served me well over the years.

I am now in B4A struggling with this custom table view. It works very similar to my old DGV and it was very easy for me to get my data to display in table form, but I soon ran into three missing common options. These are my wish list options for future updates:

1. Set Single Column Color (SetColColor(col as Int, row as Int, color as Color):
While taking a customer order and displaying items previously purchased, set background color to GREEN for items already existing in this order.
Display a list of options where you can select one or several; The First, Left Colum is "APPLY" color Green and the Last, Right Column is "DISMISS" color Red.

2. Set Single Column Alignment (SetColAlign(col as Int, row as Int, align as Int)
All columns are Center align. One column looks funny so you change is to Right align.

3. Set Single Column (or All Columns) to Word Wrap On
There is no way, when using SQL, to embed a CRLF in a text field to simulate word-wrap. Without word-wrap, fixed width columns truncate. Rum & Orange Juice comes out "Rum & Oran".

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


Ed Sharp


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1. You can use SetColumnColors(ColumnColors() As Int)
2. You can use SetCellAlignments(Alignments() As Int)
3. This is a bit more complicated. The height of all rows is the same. Therefore you would need to use a height for all rows allowing 2 lines or more.
You can use automatic widths.


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Thank you Klaus for your reply. My problem is:

1. I don't want to set all column colors, only a single column [for example Column 3 in Row 5 ie. SetColumnColor(3,5,Colors.Red) ]

2. I use your solution as a work-around but again, looking for a simple way to change a single column [ SetColumnAlign(3,Gravity.Left) ]

3. This one is the killer. I have set the row height to accommodate three lines but it still truncates. Nothing I have been able to do will make it word-wrap. I use automatic widths for now but because of the narrow width of most phones, this causes very distorted views:

From my POS system, three drinks ordered:

Rum&Coke 1 $3.00
Belvedere Vodka Citrus & Orange Juice(Tall Glass,Lots Ice) 1 $5.00
Bud Bot 1 $2.00

You need to slide the table left to view the quantity. I even tried modifying the table data itself, inserting carriage returns, etc. but still no word wrap. The work-around here was put the quantity as the first column of the table. Would love to have Table.WordWrap = True

Thanks again for your assistance. It's just my wish list.


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For point 3, can you try the following code,
add this line L.SingleLine = False.

Private Sub CreateNewLabels As Label()
    Dim lbls(mNumberOfColumns) As Label
    For i = 0 To mNumberOfColumns - 1
        Dim rc As RowCol
        rc.Col = i
        Dim L As Label
        L.TextSize = cTextSize
        L.SingleLine = False


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Sintax error in v1.44?
Hello, I think there is an error in this line:
Public Sub SetHeader (Values () As String)
   If HeaderWidths (col)> ColumnWidths (col) Then OR HeaderWidths (col)> ColumnWidths (col) Then
Best regards.


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You have the Data list containing all data from the table, this list is updated during sorting, a String Array with the values of each row.
Private RowData() As String
RowData = Table1.Data.Get(RowIndex)
For col = 0 To RowData.Length - 1
Then you have the GetValue(col, row) method to get the value in the given row and column.
And the GetValues(row) method to get the array of strings of the values in the given row.

The direction is not available, you can check the first and the last value of the column to get the direction.


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I meant to know the number of the column that has been sorted.

In my humble opinion, a practical way could be through the member Header_Click. It could return not only the number of the header pressed, but also the direction.

Private Sub Header_Click
    If SubExists(cCallBack, cEventName & "_HeaderClick") Then
        CallSub2(cCallBack, cEventName & "_HeaderClick", col) '<------- Here could you indicate the column and the direction?

    End If

End Sub


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I need to save the number of the column that the user has ordered so that the next time the table is displayed it appears ordered with that same column.
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