I don't know if it is already possible as a search didn't reveal anything but...
wouldn't it make more sense to add manifest blocks and #AdditionalJar declaration inside the class file itself?
Then you (or people using your class) don't need to think about adding the lines to the manifest file and the main activity file.
something in the line of
I don't know if it is already possible as a search didn't reveal anything but...
wouldn't it make more sense to add manifest blocks and #AdditionalJar declaration inside the class file itself?
Then you (or people using your class) don't need to think about adding the lines to the manifest file and the main activity file.
something in the line of
#Region Class Attributes
AdditionalJar: whatever.aar
#End Region
#Region Manifest Attributes
AddPermission (android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE)
#End Region