B4A Library [Class] SearchView - More powerful alternative to AutoCompleteEditText

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Licensed User
There are two parts in code, that seems make no effect, if I comment them out.

1) in manifest-Editor
SetActivityAttribute(main, android:windowSoftInputMode, adjustResize|stateHidden)

2) in Main
Private Sub IME_HeightChanged (NewHeight As Int, OldHeight As Int)
End Sub

For what are they? Do I need them?

Ricky D

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Where can I see the properties and methods?

Ricky D

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I'd like to ask does autocompleteedittext or this one do auto complete as I type? I mean does it fill the text portion with the first match of the list and then refine the list as I type more text
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Erind Jushaj

Licensed User
Erel, would it be possible to attach the same list to multiple Editboxes?

I have dynamical added editboxes that would work with the same list, CoinBox1, Coinbox2, etc.

Is this possible?

Erind Jushaj

Licensed User
The problem I had Erel is that because I am adding dynamically I cannot call the xxx_TextChanged as my editboxes have all the time a different name...


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At the risk of getting in trouble for raising an old thread (again)

This is a very basic problem but i'm confused several times the question has been asked & answered! but always the same answer and no example (i am very visual and need to see it!!!)

Sub Class_Globals
Private et As EditText
'change it to public!!


Sub Class_Globals
Public et As EditText
'change it to public!!

should make et. available in my main module??

I need it as i want to clear the edit text when i have done with it. I could do it in the class. but it would be easier in Main..




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Is it possible to add SearchView to activity via code?

Also in the thread about B4XSerializator, it is mentioned that SearchView has a limit of 500 list items. Is that still the case? I can't use B4XSerializator as the server is not in my control.
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