Hi All
With reference to the HC-05-classic-bluetooth
In this example we will connect an Android device to an Arduino using class Bluetooth with the HC 05 module. Working with this module is simple. Connect the power and gnd pins and connect the HC05 RX pin to an Arduino TX pin and the HC05 TX pin to an Arduino RX pin. The HC05 RX pin expects 3.3...
I used this example as a base to my application.
I noticed that the application wants a permission to access the device location.
Sub btnConnect_Click
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result Then
CallSub(Starter, "Connect")
ToastMessageShow("No permission", True)
End If
End Sub
When I removes this request, the device stopped connecting to the HC-06.
Can anyone explain why the device location is needed for simple local Bluetooth connection?
Is there a way to avoid this request? People may be suspicions when an app wants to know where they are without apparent reason.
Thank you in advance