Android Question [Closed] B4XTable, set color of "Search" Text and "results" label

Alexis Martial

Licensed User
I'm trying to change the scheme of a B4XTable to a light background.

I'm able to adjust the colors of most of the items, including the arrows, but not the color of the Search Text box and the result label and thus trhey are "invisibles", being white on white ;-)

I tried to access:

B4XTable1.SearchField.TextField.Color = enabledColor
B4XTable.pnlHeader.TextColor = Colors.Red

In my ActivityCreate, but both of them raise exception

Any clues/direction will be appreciated.

Alexis Martial

Licensed User

Yahoo !
Reply faster than I can write questions ;-)

This did the trick, but only after I actually put Sleep and this line after calling SetData [in my case on an empty list first, since I feed BXTable SQL table directly, but this will be the topic of another post...]

Thanks again !

For those interested in such a light scheme for their B4XTables, the fields to change are:
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