For Each Beacon As NativeObject In Beacons
Dim UUID As String = Beacon.GetField("proximityUUID").AsString
Dim Major As Int = Beacon.GetField("major").AsNumber
Dim Minor As Int = Beacon.GetField("minor").AsNumber
Dim proximity As Int = Beacon.GetField("proximity").AsNumber '0 = unknown, 1 = immediate, 2 = near, 3 = far
Dim rssi As Int = Beacon.GetField("rssi").AsNumber
Dim beaconName As String = clsBeacons.get_asset_name(Major & Minor)
What is the field name that hold the transmit power, I need this to calc the distance from the beacon. I have a iOS app called Dartie and it show the distance from the beacons it has scanned.
The BeaconParser class parses the advertising data that is sent by BLE beacons. It supports iBeacons, Eddystone UID and Eddystone URL formats. Note that this class is also compatible with B4i. However it will not detect iBeacons due to the way those beacons are handled in iOS. You do not need...
The BeaconParser class parses the advertising data that is sent by BLE beacons. It supports iBeacons, Eddystone UID and Eddystone URL formats. Note that this class is also compatible with B4i. However it will not detect iBeacons due to the way those beacons are handled in iOS. You do not need...
Thanks for the response, I installed the example and it crash's on iPhone 7 ios13.x. I am using the background scanning for beacons and use the LocManager_DidRangeBeacons to get a list of beacons. It would be great if there was a list of all the fields available in the beacon nativeobject or indeed get the advertising data then I could use the beacon parser class.