Public Sub lv_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
etCLas.Text = Value
etCLas.SelectionStart = etCLas.Text.Length
lv.Visible = True
If SubExists(mCallback, mEventName & "_ItemClick") Then
CallSub2(mCallback, mEventName & "_ItemClick", Value)
End If
Starter.curSpA = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery2("SELECT id FROM tableName WHERE Col3 = ?", Array As String(etCLas.Text))
' Cursor will hold ALL values and row which are fetched with this query
' Here only one result is expected....
' set the cursor position
If Starter.curSpA.RowCount = 1 Then ' WAS a 1
' set the cursor position
Starter.curSpA.Position = 0
Main.nMm = $"${Starter.curSpA.GetInt("id")}"$
Log("whatz the SearchView ID " & $"${Starter.curSpA.GetInt("id")}"$) ' **********
Log("etCLas.BBBBB " & $"${etCLas.Text}"$)
End If
Log(" ")
Log("WHAT IS pgnm " & pgnm)
CallSub(Main, "nme")
CallSub(Main, "clrPanlSrch")
End Sub