Android Question Cloud KVS in B4XPages receiver


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Is there any reason why CLOUD KVS cannot be implemented in a receiver? In my app the ckvs class is initiated in the receiver and used for Put and Get methods for different situations. Autorefresh is not used. The types Item and Task are declared in B4XMainPage/Class_Globals (together with other types which are also used in the receiver). No changes to the ClientKVS or CallSubUtils modules. Server is my VPS. The receiver starts every few hours to check a third-party database. For testing purposes the receiver starts when the app starts.

I can get the example app running but in my app I get

<title>Error 500 java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: b4j.cloudkvs.server.b4xmainpage$_task</title>

error response from the server after a Put request. Any clues?

(Does it matter that the types are declared in B4XMainPage for the client and Main for the server?)
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