Cloud storage in B4A


Licensed User
Longtime User

As part of my previous request, I would like to be able to retrieve the serialized files from something like GDrive or SKyDrive.
The idea is to not roll my own implementation, but use something like Amazion S3, GDrive, SkyDrive, etc.

Do you know of any B4A libraries that can do that?
If so, which cloud storages do they support?
I am planning on buying components for Windows who can connect to pretty much all of them, therefore I need to understand what is supported on B4A.




Licensed User
Longtime User

I did look at it, I was more inclined towards stuff like GDrive, SkyDrive and the likes of that :)

The cost of Parse isn't huge for a commercial proposition, but then I'd have to handle the different users; by using stuff like GDrive or SkyDrive, each user uses his/her own account and all I have to provide is means to connect and logic to structure and retrieve files.
Far easier to create and maintain, less error prone, far better separation for users and with a "way out" without being locked in in my software.
This last point might seem moot because everybody is doing it the other way around, trying to tie up users from head to toe, but I think my best insurance against people leaving is their peace of mind that they can leave at any time if you see what I mean :)


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