I want a ClsFunction class that a programmer can use like so...
Thee are so many applications.
Initially, I want it for debugging, so that I can pinpoint my exceptions programatically like thus:
Private Sub aFunction(IntParameter1 as Int, StrParameter2 as String)
Dim ThisFunction as ClsFunction
ThisFunction = Me.GetFunction
If ThisFunction.AccessModifier = ThisFunction.ACCESS_MODIFIER_PRIVATE then
ToastMessageShow(ThisFunction.Name & " is a Private function!")
End If
If ThisFunction.Parameters.Size > 0 then
For IntIdx = 0 to ThisFunction.Parameters.Size - 1
Dim Parameter as ClsParameter
ClsParameter = ThisFunction.Parameters.Get(IntIdx)
ToastMessageShow(ClsParameter.Name & ", " & ClsParameter.Type)
End If
End Sub
Thee are so many applications.
Initially, I want it for debugging, so that I can pinpoint my exceptions programatically like thus:
LogColour(LastException & ": " & ThisFunction.ClsClass.Name & " " & ThisFunction.Name, Colours.Magenta)
End Try
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