I`ve been scratching my head on this all morning.... I have a XCLV, that is filled using 'layout cards'. Each card has a unique tag (written when created), my question is how can I scan thro the XCLV and find if a certain tag is there?
FYI, i`m doing this so I can delete a 'card' if needed.
You can get to a CustomListView panel with the GetPanel method.
If the panel contains a label, an edittext, a button,... you can check its tag.
Here's some example code:
For i = 0 To clv.Size -1
Dim pnlitem As Panel = clv.GetPanel(i)
For Each vw As View In pnlitem.GetAllViewsRecursive
Dim tg As String = vw.Tag
If tg.StartsWith("edt_") Then
End If