Android Question ClvExpanded with clv in second panel


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Greetings Everyone!!

From this example,

I want to do something like this;

The Second panel contains a customlistview.

How do I add items to the customlistview for each row?

Thanks in advance.

Lucas Siqueira

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will add in the same way that you fill in the lblCategoryTitle fields ...
I always use VisibleRangeChanged in the clv

Sub CustonListView1_VisibleRangeChanged (FirstIndex As Int, LastIndex As Int)
    Dim ExtraSize As Int = 25 'Add 25 items at a time, this can be changed to suite your requirements
    For i = Max(0, FirstIndex - ExtraSize) To Min(LastIndex + ExtraSize, CLVList.Size - 1) 'Loop for adding/removing your items layout to or from the list
        Dim Pnl As B4XView = CLVList.GetPanel(i) 'Declare a new B4XView
        If i > FirstIndex - ExtraSize And i < LastIndex + ExtraSize Then 'Add a new item to the list
            If Pnl.NumberOfViews = 0 Then 'Add items to the list
                Pnl.LoadLayout("ItemInfo") ' you layout item
                lblCategoryTitle.Text = "CATEGORY"
                For i = 1 To 4
                     CustonListView2. AddTextItem("TESTE"&i,null)
            End If
        Else 'Remove items from the list
            If Pnl.NumberOfViews > 0 Then
                Pnl.RemoveAllViews 'Remove none visible item from the main xCLV layout
            End If
        End If
End Sub
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Thank you @Lucas Siqueira. I will give it a try.
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