Android Question CLVTree add clickable text with CSBuilder


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Dim clicktext As String
        cs.Initialize.size(13).Bold.Append(" Interno:").Pop.Append(dispositivo.Get("numero")).Append(CRLF).Bold.Append("Matricola:").Pop.Append(dispositivo.Get("matricola")).Append(CRLF).Bold.Append(dispositivo.Get("descrizione")).PopAll.Append(CRLF).Clickable("edit",clicktext).Append(clicktext).PopAll
        Dim item2 As CLVTreeItem= Tree.AddItem(item,cs,LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"file-alt.png"),"")
        Dim Index As Int=CustomListView1.GetItemFromView(item2.InternalPanel)
, is possible to add an item to CLVTree with clickable text by CSBuilder ? If Yes Can Provide Me a sample ? Thanks in advances

Error view should be initializate.
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The challenge here is that CLVTree creates the views when needed and reuses them when possible, so you can't simply access the views.
The solution is to use the source code of CLVTree and add:
Dim cs As CSBuilder 'ignore
In the code that creates new UI items.

See the attached B4A-only project.


    235.1 KB · Views: 215
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with this modify the events CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object) is not raised. What About ?
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Thanks works. How to retrive the item value in order to add sub items with this method Instead of CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object) ?
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How to retrive the item value in order to add sub items with this method Instead of CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object) ?
Why do you need a clickable span in the title. Why not use the CustomListView1_ItemClick event and based on its value execute your wish. FOr instance:
Private Sub CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
Dim item As CLVTreeItem = Value
 Dim s As String = item.Text
If s.tolowercase.contains("test") Then
        Dim i As Intent
        i.Initialize(i.ACTION_VIEW, "")
    End If
End Sub
You probably have a reason to use clickable, but can you tell us why. I see that you have a follow up thread for Erel to help you with.
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