Color problem spinner @ Motorola Defy


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I use the new beta and i was happy about the posiibility to change the colors of the spinner views.
Problem: On my phone i get a dark grey, 'unopend' spinner, so i have to use light colors for optimal viewing. After opening, i get i white background and can hardly see this text and should use black or dark colors. Maybe this problem is only related to my phone?!

Greetings from austria


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I see. So you need a different color for the list and the "textbox", right?
Now i tried the emulator and there is the unopen list in light grey and one dark colour would be ok; on my Defy the color is dark grey. If this problem only exists for the defy, then i should stay at a dark colour type.
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How did the colors behave on your device with B4A v1.5?

i have watched another effect: When i open an old, correctly compiling and working project v1.5, dont use the designer and compile i get an runtime error:
An error has occurred in sub: main_activity_create
(java line:277)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be intitalized (Spinner).
Did you forget to call Activity.LoadLayout?
When yes, the app hangs.

When i am using the designer, the error is gone, but the colors are changed from white to black.

Greetings from austria
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Views added by the Designer are always initialised with the properties from the Designer, like colours. Views added programmatically adopt the device default for any properties not explicitly set by code. Views added by the Designer are autoamtically initialised, those added by AddView need to be explicitly initialised in code.
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